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array likeの例文


  • For example, the code would produce an array like.
  • There was another in which the pipes were in layers of arrays like fans.
  • Could there be still another force that arranged the superclusters into an array like the atoms in a piece of quartz?
  • A mosaic of the pictures showed six of the nine planets in orbital array like diamonds laid out on black velvet.
  • Coordinated arrays like Georgia State's enable much smaller telescopes and sophisticated electronics to achieve the power of a single telescope that would be prohibitively expensive.
  • Corresponding to a resolution of ?L / L H " Similar techniques can provide the dimensions of small structures repeated in large periodic arrays like a diffraction grating.
  • Generally this would require the reflector to be placed at of a wavelength behind the elements, and this can be seen in many common reflector arrays like television antennas.
  • The term " string inverter " is somewhat nonsensical in this context because the small-scale wind generators are not typically done in arrays like solar panels and there is typically only a single generator per installation ( for small systems ).
  • :: : Well, you could always make an auxillary wrapper class with an extra variable which keeps track of the " modified length " of the array . . . but that's what happens when you use arrays like this.
  • To actually examine such a planet would take an orbiting array like OASES . Such a system, by its very nature, would split light from the planets into its constituent colors, providing telltale spectra that would enable scientists to infer the composition of each planet's atmosphere.
  • Delphi does reference-count dynamic arrays, i . e . it handles dynamic arrays like it does strings; so, when the variables that point to the dynamic array go out of scope, the reference count goes to zero and the dynamic array is de-allocated.
  • However, it does not appear to have any identifiable missile guidance sub-array like those found below the main array on the AN / MPQ-65 system and it is therefore not clear if this new radar can provide target guidance illumination function in support of TK-1 SARH missiles.
  • The book describes how to use multiple checkboxes for a given value and pass the data for all of them by setting the value as an array like "'name = " ingredient [ ] " "'--ok, but I'm confused when it comes to how this data returned from a form would be placed into a database and the book moves on without explaining it.